This little book is an attempt to recreate something like record night for people who are interested in the musical aspect of psychedelic therapy. All of the music included on the following list has been road-tested with MPCI protocols. It is our hope that this list will provide the reader with a collection of exquisitely serviceable music that can be used to support this type of transformational work...
From the MAPS Bulletin 2024: Vol 34, No. 1 - Music Centered Psychedelic Integration: An Introduction
The idea for Music Centered Psychedelic Integration (MCPI) came about through the slow accumulation of insights and practical ideas based on our clinical training and practice from 2017 up to the present. We found that in our psychedelic psychotherapy training, music was at times emphasized as a supremely important aspect of this modality, while at others, it was also referenced as somehow secondary; a kind of adjunct to the power of the psychedelic medicine itself. This notion of music being secondary ran counter to an instinct that we both held from the very beginning of our acquaintance with the process of psychedelic therapy...